Consulting Projects
Tough to pin DIG down. We are Geochemists, Geologists and Chemical Engineers. DIG has a state of the art fluids laboratory and expert in many aspects of energy related sciences. First, we can provide laboratory sampling and analyses expertise:
Design and Implementation of Well Sampling Programs
Design Rock & Fluid sampling programs with clear and concise objectives
Facilitate sampling, shipping, and reporting from multiple rocks and fluids labs
Integrate multiple format reports into current geological understanding
Design Regional and Field-Scale Petroleum System Studies
Let’s break it down by Oil and Gas Sector:
Conventional Oil & Gas
Unconventional Oil an Gas
We are petroleum geochemists with expertise in organic rich shales, aka Source Rocks.
DIG has 32 – 3D basin models and 350 – 1D models. This allows us to provide results fast.
We work globally to reduce the risk of exploration through expertise in the most critical component of the petroleum system – the source rock.
With the shale revolution, many systems have been identified where the source rock, reservoir, trap are all the same, the source rock itself. Get expert advice here.
DIG has been involved in every major oil and gas development in the U.S. since we opened our doors in 2006
DIG expertise is global but our focus has been providing consultation with the lateral and vertical distribution of source rocks and their relative maturity in the lower 48 sedimentary basins.
Knowing or predicting the quality (or, phase – oil vs. gas) of the fluid that will be encountered in any area of a sedimentary section is critical to successful development. We provide the analytical tools for this important component of development geochemistry.
Well integrity is a critical issue with the production of oil, gas, and water from the subsurface. We have become experts in the flow of fluids to the surface.
DIG has been involved with production geochemistry since the beginning of DIG (and before, for some of us). We provide fluids analyses of water, oil, and gas in our laboratory and focus on the stable isotopes of those fluids.
Regulation in oil and gas production often require knowing where the fluid has been generated. Stable isotopes of oil, gas and water often give us important information regarding the genetics of the fluid. What reservoir is providing this oil or gas? Is the formation water that I have encountered derived from deep or shallow reservoirs?
DIG provides specific fluids analyses that are primarily used for understanding the isotopic character of oil, gas, and water in upstream petroleum operations.
DIG supports many clients toward understanding operation within the social contract. DIG’s involvement with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is extensive. Obviously the key word here is “Capture”. We monitor these systems to verify that the injection gas is staying where it belongs, in the chosen reservoir. We have been involved with these injection systems long before Injecting CO2 into the ground became important.
If fluids are flowing in the subsurface, DIG know how to track them. Conservative tracers, like stable isotopes. aren’t just important tools, they are helping to provide a future for our children.
Most often, when you inject a fluid into the subsurface, you want that fluid to stay where you intended it to stay. DIG provides multiple tools and processes to monitor, verify and assess the success of your system.
Pipeline and Natural Gas Storage
DIG uses a novel approach to assess and model the boundaries of gas storage in the subsurface using naturally occurring geochemical and isotopic tracers.
This low-cost method can directly “fingerprint” injected and native natural gas and fluids using compositional and isotopic analyses.
Additionally, stable isotope geochemical techniques provide geospatial and temporal insights into boundary conditions and fluid flow not currently achieved using conventional monitoring methods such as pressure measurements or atmospheric release indicators.
Understanding of spatial extents in underground natural gas storage reservoirs and identifying potential impacts in the subsurface, allows for mitigation of associated risks.
Pipeline operators use DIG to ensure the safe and efficient operation of underground natural gas storage facilities.
As geochemists and chemical engineers operating a state of the art oil, gas and water fluids laboratory, DIG experts know when thay encounter refined fluids.
Operational fluids are often used in oil and gas operations by operators, contractors, and sub-contractor. If these fluids find themselves in the worong place, it is important to call DIG for fluid forensic services.