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Carbon Capture Monitoring

3D illustration of conceptual compass with needle pointing 0 percent of CO2. Concept of decarbonization

Carbon Capture Monitoring

Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) or Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). DIG thinks that the key word here is "capture". Carbon capture monitoring is critical.

Carbon capture systems are being built.  Tax credit programs like 45Q have helped. As a result, this technology may be new to most of our colleagues. Dolan Integration Group (DIG) has been monitoring underground storage facilities for years. As it turns out, stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) are a pretty handy tool for monitoring CCS systems and carbon capture. We are proud to say that we offer this important technology to the industry for monitoring, verifying and assessing the success of capture.

Monitor - Verification - Assessment

In the U.S., new federal 45Q tax credits have been made available for the entities that can capture carbon as CO2 permanently. In addition, a credit is offered to utilize CO2 in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations. Those who have taken advantage of these credits know that significant revenues can be added to existing revenue streams. This has led to a boom in identifying good geologic reservoir candidates to capture and store CO2. Importantly, these systems must be monitored.

If you are currently evaluating CCUS or CCS opportunities, it is extremely important to talk to DIG early about how we monitor the efficiency of capture in these systems. We can help set baseline and design and monitor your infrastructure.

Setting a Chemical Baseline

Setting a baseline early will be critical to monitoring your success. First, designing the well infrastructure for repeatable sampling. Second, monitoring the injection gas. Third, understanding subsurface chemistry will all play a role in your continued success.

Residual trapping, solubility trapping and mineral trapping are all being utilized. If we are serious about carbon capture, we need to be serious about carbon chemistry.

Post Author: Michael

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